OMGOODNESS.. i dont even know where to begin.. I think my daughter is doing great on her responsibility chart.. then I head up to do todays Blog tip on the rule of 3.. ya not so much.. so bad I could barely get to her drawers

minus the broom and dustpan and trash bag that I came back downstairs to get.. this was how I found my daughters room.. BEYOND irritated that she does this to her room.. Im not saying this all happened in one day.. however her floor is generally free of clutter.. she pulled out the little table today and did not make her bed.. in the bottom right corner you can see the top of her cardboard space ship she got for christmas.. you would not believe how many little snack bowls and kids plates I found in there.. I dunno when this occured because she is not allowed to have food or drinks in her room..
LIL PUNK.. is my word for the day
The after....
Tackling a ridiculous Mess in a kids room is a frustraiting one.. dont try and poof it into clean existance.. I started first  with anger.. then realized that would get me no where.. so I ghought.. why is her room this way.. is it because she doesnt know how to pick up?? is she bored so she makes these messes?? I decided its because she has TO  MUCH in her room.. its not a very large room.. but she manages to drag items upstairs from the playroom and just make mountains of MESS in her room.. and ultimately I end up cleaning it up. so.. I started with taking items away.. She had a the small table in the first picture.. all she does is try to stand on it.. which Im not down with.. i took that away.. got rid of the space ship.. threw away the things that were broken and unfixable.. I then went through and decided she can keep her books and her movies in her room. since thats how she spends rest time..
everything else is GONE.. if she can not handle the couple things in her room.. then we will go down to her bed and clothes and thats it.. I know it sounds mean, but she will be 5 next  month. I should have to go up and vaccum and dust and check under the bed for hidden items. But I should not have to spend over an hour in her room picking up a disaster zone..
so I simplified her room..
She has a few toys in her small toybox and thats it..
I took out ALOT of little toys I found laying around.. She now has her dresser with her clothes, and her bookcase with her movies and books she likes
In her bed I not only found food crumbs, but a plate and a snack bowl, as well as papers, toy cars, and other items under her covers. stuffed between her safety rail.. I cleaned it ALLLLLL OUT and found homes for the items downstairs.
She is no longer allowed to bring anything to bed.. she has everything she needs in her room.
We had a nice little chat.. She has been wanting me to paint her room and make it "Pretty" as she has said.. But if she can not handle keeping these things picked up.. I might have to put the kabash on it for a few months until she can show me she can take care of her room..
Again.. I know it may sound mean, but these are things I know she can do, because she has done them in the past.
WELLLLLL I still did not get to todays Blog Top from Kelly, I was just to exhausted after cleaning up this room that I said.. TOMORROW i will go through her clothes.. before I come up with my magic number, I will see what doesnt fit etc etc...
Well ENOUGH of the blogging today.. I have some country fried chicken to make for dinner..
Much Love and blessings.. be sure to let us know how you all made out all the rule of 3...


Unknown said…
I only want to make a joke: Be happy your kid has their OWN room to trash... All 4 of use share our one bedroom and when the kids want to play in there, they strip all the beds of the blankets. Yes, we have too many blankets. The room gets too hot to even use the ones we keep on the beds. The biggest mess is when they do bring toys in the bedroom. Then between the husband's socks and blankets, things get broken or lost... Food is not allowed in the bedroom but one time we found an apple under a blanket that had not been moved for some time. The mold seeped in to the sheet. Fortunately the mattress was spared but I soaked the area in bleach anyway and that blanket is history. I have found bowls under the beds and pretzel crumbs in various places... And I, too, did not get to Kelly's post for today, lol, but for different reasons.
Shanun said…
oh man Im super happy she has her own room to trash.. its hard enough keeping my own room put together.. but I dont know how food or plates or cups ended up there.. I have not napped in about a month during the kids rest time.. so i know shes not coming down to get these things while Im out cold.. no clue.. but we talked and the new rule is.. she can not bring anything into her room.. toys, stuffed animals ANYTHING.. all that is allowed in her room is whats in there.. she has her nightime stuff she likes and there were a few items she was scared Jack would wreck.. so we found homes for them in her room.. HERES HOPING...

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