Holy Provision.....

Ive been thinking alot of provision..

Ive come to realize when we pray for provision its not necessarily a Material THING we need provision for.. sometimes its emotional provision, the strength to get through something.

Being Bipolar I can think of numerous times God has provided emotional support to me, just picking me up and carrying me through the tough times..

Physical provision, sometimes we are ailing and need help and God sends people our way...
2 years ago my husband had major surgery for diverticulitis, and then I went off to treatment in California for a month. women from my church got together and dropped off meal after meal to help my hubby out.. a friend picked my daughter up and got her out of the house, my parents would take the kids on the weekend just to give him a break.

It may not be finances or an object God provides.. there are so many kinds of provision out that we need and the Lord Provides..

HOWEVER.. sometimes that provision is an object or thing..

back story-
 3 years ago we were house hunting.. we were going to finance our house with a VA loan thanks to my husband being a former marine, however they are incredibly strict on what you can buy. which seems annoying at the time, but once you become a home owner and everything piles on your thankful the VA stopped you from buying a property that has numerous problems..

our realtor called us one Saturday to go look at a house (she showed us anything and everything, she was a wonderful woman who was also looking out for our best interest.. she would take us in a home and see the improvements and point them out and the cost involved.. some houses we walked into and she said "NO WAY YOUR NOT BUYING THIS." lol) we looked at a property we were convinced was perfect for us, but when we called our VA person on the phone they said the outbuilding involved would not pass and that we should move on.. as we were leaving our realtor suggested one more house.. about 2 blocks from where we were currently living and within walking distance to my in laws..

We walked in and it was just beautiful.. someone had bought this 100 year old home and flipped the entire inside.. brand new everything..everything we had been talking about wanting.. an older home with charm that needed minimal inside work..(we wanted to move in and settle in)

we decided to put an offer in on the home.. later in the day the realtor called and told us who the seller was.. turns out it was a gentlemen who used to go to my father in laws church and currently was at our church (super large.. we don't know even a 1/4 of the people who attend) he was a wonderful man who put his heart into making old houses into homes where people could settle and enjoy the craftsmanship..

as we countered and he countered I dunno if God laid something on his heart but the counter offer was exactly what we needed which closing costs included in the price.. was amazing..

on came inspections.. everything was great except the roof.. it had 3 layers (which is illegal in this city) and there was no sheathing.. just barn board) both inspectors said about 3-5 years out of the roof was what we could get out of it..

we prayed and took a huge leap of faith that God would provide.. only issue was the roof.. everything checked out and the VA felt it was a good choice..

onward we went and 30 days later we went from renters to homeowners.

in the 3 years here we have found issues.. horsehair plaster while old and charming is a pain in the butt.. Old Gas stoves in ancient beautiful sun rooms with single pain windows kills our heating bill in the winter..

however this house has become our home.. its our happy place..

jump forward to last fall.. we heard some big bonuses were supposed to come through at Iz's job, and he had just taken a new position at his job that was to come with more  money.. we were finally in a place to afford a payment on our roof.. in comes contractors with this that and the other.. let just say our roof's rough estimate from everyone was the price of a really  nice used car..

then bonuses didn't come.. for some reasons hubby's promotion, the pay was held up (and still is)  no roof was in our future..

this spring we found LOTS of shingles in our yard.. NOT GOOD..

a friend referred us to a good contractor and another friend referred us to an emergency program from the same people who did our home loan..

we could get a very low interest 15 year loan , our estimate was the max that could be borrowed.. but it tightly fits in our budget.. however it fits..

the ball got rolling and today.. I have 7 construction guys on my roof banging around and putting on our new roof..

In the beginning we prayed and trusted God would provide.. and here ya go.. may not have been in the timetable we wanted, but its done.. its getting done all because God provided

for the past 3 years God has provided patience for both my hubby and I while we waited for the time this day would come..

God is always providing something..

just remember, while material things are good.. sometimes God provides in other ways...

 nice big mess in my side yard.. thankful I dont have to clean it up...


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