Hey all,
 So Spring is fast approaching. Im SOOO looking forward to opening all my windows and letting some nice fresh, sunshiney air in the house. With Spring comes all the deep cleaning that doesnt work so well in the winter.. IE.. dusting certain items.. really cleaning everything..

Currently Im working on a Spring cleaning list and shopping around on blogs to find some other good lists so I can make sure I get everything..

HOWEVER, Spring Fever has really hit..

We bought our home in December of 2011. So we had our first official summer last year.. which was nice.. we dont have a huge yard.. but enough for the kids to run around. There is also a super nice cement pad that would be perfect for entertaining..

SO in my feverish plight.. Ive been on pinterest every little break from painting the bathroom and keeping up with the house I get searching for ideas for making my yard look nice..

Last year my mother brought up some Hostas and Day lilies and we transffered them into my back yard.. plus I already had a HUGE section of day lillies that came in from the previous owner.. so much beauty in flowers..

WELL thinking about this back yard.. Im thinking BUDGET and DIY.. I do not have money for a outdoor patio set.. and I dont want to settle and buy something that will break in one season..

IN COMES MY BASEMENT and its hidden treasures.

In the organized pile of unused items in my basement is  my old dining room table. After talking with a friend who does WONDERFUL DIY work.. its been decided I can sand down the table and chairs and start fresh.. with some outdoor paint and outdoor sealer.. BAM outdoor dining set..

If you dont have a spare dining room set in your basement I highly suggest checking your second hand shops.. Look for REAL WOOD.. not veneer.. that way you can sand down what ugliness you may  not like and make it your own..

In ADDITION I have recruited Hubby...for what you might ask?


Its basically painted PVC pipe in Flower Pots.. with outdoor mosquito netting, which I found a super steal price on an outdoor camping website.. Im sure I have a gazillion lights in the basement I could use.. Super pumped.. I will be able to BBQ and EAT outside as well..

The dream is for hubby to build me a nice pergola.. BUT alas I dont know if budget will allow that to happen.. so here is a wonderful plan B.. 


Unknown said…
I don't have any ideas as of right now, but man oh man I LOVE that idea of using your old table and chairs to be finished for outdoor use and that picture idea you shared? Hot damn! I want one, too! That is WAY better than my dream of owning one of those canopy displays at Target, lol.
Shanun said…
I agree.. I LOVE the canopies at Target and the big industrial looking outdoor things at Lowes and stuff.. but this just seems to add a hint of charm.. not the same old same old thing everyone has.. im excited.. and its VERY inexpensive to make.. PVC pipe and some netting in planted pots.. WOO HOO..

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