The Closet of Shame...GIVEAWAY

Hey all..

OK.. last post I

SOOOO while I was mopping my dining room floor.. I had to move a bulk purchase of toilet paper off the floor.. WHY IS MY TOILET PAPER ON THE FLOOR.. I have a very  nice, rather LARGE closet in my dining room which is right by the bathroom.. perfect storage place.. NOPE.. why? you might ask.. ill fill you in shortly..

I am dubbing this as the Closet of Shame giveaway because I'm truly and honestly embarrassed about how this closet looks.. but alas.. I'm on a journey.. while most of the photos I show are of finished products that look all fabulous.. I am an average everyday person.. I have a husband.. 2 kids, 2 cats a dog. This ensures that on any given day if you walked into my house while some things might look very nice and put together, the truth is.. you'd probably trip on toys, or see dishes in the sink.. or scuff marks on the floor.. and food stuck to my area rugs.. and piles of laundry.. It happens.. Its life.. and I think some messiness in a home is the mark of a Loving home.. while I spend a lot of my time picking up and DIY'ing I like to spend time with my kids and play with toys and bake cookies and of course with all of that, MAKE A

soooo I know we all have at least one space in our home that we look at and go.. Man I wish that spot had a door so I could shut it and never see it.. I'm lucky.. I HAVE THAT for my shame spot..

(also I don't say shame in a way to make people feel bad about a messy spot.. its more a humorous term Im using.. think the movie UP with the dog wearing the cone of

Sooooooooo are you ready?? ready for my Closet of Shame and some giveaway information..

OK.. be prepared to gasp.. the clean freak is about to show you her dirty little secret..

Seems kinda harmless right?? like oh.. nice plantation shutter door ya got there.. so pretty.. YA.. think again


 YUP.. this is it folks. the closet of shame.. and I cant even say.. oh I had a gathering and needed a place to put stuff.. NOPE.. this has taken a little over a year to get like this.. which is DOUBLE shame on me because I knew it was like

ill give ya the break down about this closet.. it doesn't seem super big.. HOWEVER.. on the inside it is much much wider.. so there probably another good foot on each side stuffed with stuff..

the bottom is my daughters items.. such as games, puzzles and some leftover crafting items that did not fit in her area I made her.. on top we have.. hmm I dunno what.. i k now threes random empty pampered chef boxes I wanted to use for a project.. play dough..who knows..

next up we have appliances and wedding china.. i have my fryer in there which I basically use once a month for a meal my husband really extra crock pot.. and allll my wedding china.. It was gifted to me by my great aunt and sadly IVE NEVER USED IT.. above that we have, again.. who knows.. from the pic I see my old coffee pot.. I know I have a Tupperware container with batteries and light bulbs.. the top shelf.. again who on earth knows..


SOOOO here is the giveaway info..

I will tell you different ways to get entries into a drawing.. I will keep track thanks to email and my FB page nifty difty tracker at the end all entries will go in a bucket.. my 5 year old will then pick a name..

The Winner of this giveaway will get a 10$ gift card to one of 3 stores.. your choice.. I will mail you the gift card if you are not in the local area.. 

SOOO How does one get entries to this fabulous giveaway..

1- Post a comment on what you would do to organize this closet.. and it can't be.. CHUCK EVERYTHING and start over.. and you cant just say.. Use a basket to store things.. I gave a breakdown of the items in this closet.. so come up with a good idea and post in the comments section OF THIS POST..

2- Send an email to : with your ideas.. 

3- I will be posting the link to this post on the Burnt Toast Chronicles FB page.. for each SHARE you make of that post you will get 1 entry.. ie.. after I publish the post I will link it to the FB page.. click SHARE to post it on your page today... ONE ENTRY.. then come back tomorrow and SHARE it again.. ANOTHER ENTRY.. (I can see who shares what when on my biz page.. so i will know if you shared the page.)

and last but not least

4- Post your idea on the FB page.. 

For the FB page posting and sharing.. if you haven't checked us out and Liked me on FB here is the link to the page..

The Contest will end MONDAY at 12:00 PM EST... 

SO.. Comment.. email.. Share... and you get entries..

Again the Prize is a 10$ gift card to 1 of 3 stores..

The choices will be




its a gift card, so if you want to start a DIY project, or need some stuff for organizing.. whatever you want to use it for.. Its up to you..

Much Love and Blessings...



Unknown said…
I'll post for you! :) First I would check all of the puzzles to make sure you aren't missing pieces. then I would use a box or something else useful to store all of the puzzles together in their own boxes OR in plastic bags clearly labeled. Any clothes that are too small, I'd donate or store labeled in your basement if you have one. The boxes and things being saved for art projects should have it's own shelf, where you can use boxes, jars etc. to keep everything tidy till you are going to use it. I think I covered most of the stuff that you mentioned, but finally I'd do the supreme organization tip and have three piles : keep, toss, donate. Then I'd put the keep stuff away nice and neat, whether back in the closet of shame or somewhere else in your house that may be a better fit.
Unknown said…
Aaron has TONS of puzzles... and he loses all the pieces. Go through all the puzzles and games and make sure all the pieces are there. The boxes take up a lot space and kids rarely reference the picture to put the puzzle together. I put them all in individual clear, plastic bags and write the name of the puzzle. Putting them in her room for quiet time is a nice idea. Go through and get rid of the things you really don't use. And I spotted a decorative item on the top shelf there. You can put that ON TOP of the book shelf I see so that it's on display instead of hiding! If you have th storage room in your basement, since it seems a lot of your DiY projects are done there, make a nice space down there for all your empty boxes that you are saving for later. You can also break them down; take off the tape and fold them along their creases and re-tape them later with packing tape.

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