Easter Egg in a Bowl

Happy April Fools all.. First day of April.. I feel like by hitting April we are officially out of winter.. WOO HOO..

I hope you all have a blessed and wonderful Easter.. I know I did. even though it was a tad bit crazy..

My weekend went something like this..

Friday- Ran to Bjs to pick up some bulk Items I needed on my Bi weekly Grocery list..
Then I got my hair colored in the evening..

Saturday I woke up and did my official bi weekly grocery shopping, then I came home.. put everything away.. I made a dish of Baked Pasta to bring to church for Sunday.. then I made a choco dream whip pie for Easter.. then, I made a batch of frosting.. frosted a cake.. Made up the kids Easter Basket.. stuffed over 40 plastic eggs with candy for the Easter egg Hunt.. watched some Ten Commandments on TV.. then hit the hay early..

Sunday- Up and 4am.. got dressed and ready for my day of serving at church.. made it to church by 6am for worship rehearsal... then served for 4 services on the Worship and Arts Team.. came home.. Hid Eggs for the Egg hunt.. Cooked a ham, had desert with the family and in laws.. then was able to wash up the dinner dishes.. followed by kids to bed.. followed by a shower.. followed by me promptly passing out right around 9pm.. I WAS EXHAUSTED..

However, exhausted or not.. celebrating the Day of our Risen King was amazing.. Loved serving at church all day and spending time with the ones I love...

My kids are currently re-creating the Easter Egg hunt in the living room right now..lol.. whatever works..

I just finished editing some photos of our Easter egg cake..

thought I would share.. while Easter may be over.. this cake also doubles for other things as well..

Also a whole year to save up and get the Bowl needed to bake it..lol.

I made an Easter Egg shaped cake out of my Pampered Chef Classic Batter bowl..

I had recently seen a photo of a football shaped cake made the same way.. so when I say the bowl doubles as other cakes.. you can TOTALLY use this bowl to rock a football cake..lol.. 

However here are the photos of the cake I made..


Here we have the Classic Batter Bowl and the finished cake.. It was pretty simple.. just kind of stunk.. had to mix the batter in a separate bowl since the Batter Bowl needed to be greased or Sprayed with Cooking Spray.. worked well though..

I then cut the cake in half and wrapped it up and Froze the cake over night. (Frozen cakes are much easier to frost)

Here I am Saturday preparing to frost the cake..

You can see how if could end up being a football or an egg...lol

Butter cream frosting.

AND at last the finished cake.. I'm cheap and Lazy and just bought the Betty Crocker Colored Frosting in a can.. Each can comes with 4 different style tips.. So I was able to make the grass and everything else pretty easy.. also without making the mess of trying to color the frosting myself...being in a time crunch it was the way to go..

What did everyone else do for Easter?? Were you busy?? Did you go to a special Church service?? Have an Egg hunt?? Have a good meal??  Tell us all about it..


Unknown said…
I love that! It came out so cute <3 <3 <3

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