Im still

Hey all.

Happy Tuesday..

Please forgive my absence from blog land..I know they keep happening.. I just A: Have been busy being a momma and wife, and B: haven't had a whole lot of projects going on besides my daily upkeep on the house..

I DID however get an awesome patio set from a friend of mine.. I think I mentioned it last post but Its actually in my possession now..


when I say the next part its nothing against the awesome person who gave this to me.. Its a very basic set.. You all know me.. HAVE TO DRESS IT UP... first up will be steel wool to any rust on the metal frame.. then Ill be spray painting it one color.. Ill also be spray painting and dressing up the chairs.. only real $$ purchase will be the following

Market Umbrella In RED or BLACK..


Super pumped.. I found a great online site for OUTDOOR fabric.. I LOVE this print and pattern. Before I got the set I was thinking I would take the glass out and fit this around nice and snug.. But to get the glass out I would basically have to break the table.. SO.. MOMMA is bringing me an ON LOAN sewing machine from my sister and I think I will turn this fabric into a table cloth.. SUPER excited.. We were kind of bummed last year to not be able to enjoy our BBQ outside sitting nicely.. This year WE WILL...

We also took a weekend trip to my folks near the Berkshires and my daughter and I came home with Allergies galore.. the trees have popped.. the dander is all crazy from the pets in the house shedding.. then Ive been working on deep spring cleaning so dust is all over too.. My daughter went to the docs today.. I have been giving her a little benedryl here and there to try and help.. we also have had to nebulize her due to her asthma going crazy..
She now has to be nebbed 3 times a day and take Claritin.. I never thought to give it to her because we try not to give the kids to much medicine.. and I don't say this as a hippie I don't believe in meds mom.. I say this as a woman who is Manic Depressive and probably spent the better part of 10 years OVER medicated.. so I try to air on the side of caution with  meds.. sooooo now that I have the word from the doc that its gonna take more than some benedryl and saline nose spray.. we seem to be on a better track..

SOOOO between all that I have been spending time doing other things..

IE.. PINNING like crazy.. and I found a super fun tip post on a Blog..

We moved into our home last year and money has been tight here and there.. health issues, car issues.. so WHO really has the time to run out and buy huge expensive FANCY items.. I dream from website to fancy website about the nice expensive things I could have.. THEN BAM on pinterest this gals blog hit me.. Why am I not antiquing and hitting up thrift stores.. I live in the city where there are plenty of stores to hit up..

Problem was.. IVE NEVER DONE IT.. I've picked up some kitchy items before but nothing of size or importance for my home.. This gals post was great on what to look for.. how to look etc etc..

Check it out.. If you've been in your house 5 minutes or 50 years these are some great tips to find things on a budget and spruce up your home..

my tip for that blog is.. REMEMBER TIP#3  


Much Love and Blessings



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