Spring Cleaning.. whats a Gal to do...

Happy Monday all..

While scanning my FB feed last night someone said "HAPPY SUNDAY NIGHT" and they were not being sarcastic to all the folks who feel a case of the Mondays.. she went on to talk about how Blessed she feels to be able to go to a Job Monday morning.. to be able to provide with that job.. Just WOW.. gave me a whole different out look on how I could handle my Monday.

While I don't work outside the home.. I do get cases of the Mondays.. Usually its when we have had a non stop busy weekend like the one we just had and the one coming up..

But I stopped for a few minutes and just thought .. Yes it stinks hubby goes back to work on Monday.. yes it stinks its window cleaning day in my house.. Yes it stinks that after 2 days of having help with the kiddos I'm back to being 2 kids against 1 of me..lol..

Then I take a step back and think.. WHO ON EARTH DO I THINK I AM... I have the amazing blessing of getting to stay at home with my kids.. I have the amazing privilege to own a home to even have windows to clean in the first place.. I have a sun room filled with amazing light that I can just sit and soak up with a good book while the kids nap if I want (I'm spending it soaked in sunlight blogging to you folks.. Eh.. its a win win)  but sometimes we need to step back and get our heads out our proverbial buts and just enjoy whats right in front of us.. Why not start your Monday with a bang.. just say YES its Monday.. I have so many things happening today I can be thankful for..
Don't go to the negative.. Its what we all do all the time.. we think of the worst thing.. lets think of the good and take away any cases of Mondays, Wednesdays or any other day for that matter..

To help with mine.. I'm working on some spring cleaning ideas... I have been doing what feels like smaller things around here.. washing windows, but not just the window glass.. the casing, moldings etc etc.. all the little finger prints I never noticed are being wiped away.. Maybe sweeping out and wiping down some baseboard I dont usually get to.. cleaning up my recycle bin as the bottom has gotten STICKY.. ewww, We also been working on the outside spring cleaning as well. Its still a little early yet but hubby and I laid some seed down this weekend after roto tilling a few times a specific area.. need to get a couple tarps to lay over and keep the soil warm.. Determined to have some pretty flowers this year..

Kids are resting and I was just catching up on Jen over at Iheart Organizing..

I noticed a side link to click on a project of hers..

Its about closet organization.. I must admit when I first saw it I said WOW.. looks like an expensive project to work on.. NOPE.. she just de-cluttered.. made sense of what she had, and had a little craft time as well.. I def think for at least Makenna, I want to try this out and see how she does..

Check it out and let me know what you all think..

De-Clutter Your Kids Closet

 Looks super easy.. made out of cereal boxes... Super cute. minus all the boy colors..lol..

Much Love and Blessings on this "NON CASE OF THE MONDAYS" Monday..



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