A blog about what to Blog.. hmmmm


Better late than never right???

Just been so horrible with keeping up with this blog.. I did so good for so long.. I was sure this Christmas I would have tons to blog about.. but alas the holiday got away from me and then BAM.. it was over.. with not a post done.. so sad isn't it??? a homemaking/DIY blogger who didn't post about the biggest holiday of the year.. SHAME ON ME...

with that said.. we have a wonderful Merry Christmas and New years and  I hope you all did as well..

The season was busy, with Baking and wrapping and trying to keep gifts a secret.. but we survived..

Onto the business at hand..

I've been trying to figure out why I haven't been keeping up with this blog.. I love it.. keeps me moving by having to do projects and stuff around the house.. and then write about it..

I have plenty to do around here but its all basic upkeep up a house.. no super fun projects going on.. not until Kenna and I make her valentines.. 

SOOOO what do I blog about?? I'm asking you all to please post a comment or Email me at Shanun@comcast.net and tell me what you would love to see posts about. I can not guarantee I will be able to do some of them.. or get them done in a timely fashion But I need to pick your brains..

WHAT CAN I BLOG ABOUT.. we are on a budget right now.. so super crazy DIY stuff is out right now as my home depot trips are limited to pretty much none..lol.. 

pick a topic.. what is something you would like to see me blog about.. LET ME KNOW...

Much Love and Blessings



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