4 People, 350$ a month.. PART 2

ok.. so WOW what a morning we had around here...

First Jack decided it would be fun to wake up at 6:00am.. so thats how my day started.. followed by getting us all dressed and ready to go...

We hit up the Bank..
The ran to City Hall for our dog License.. then FINALLY onto Market Basket..

some days are better to go than others.. and I dont mean sale wise.. I mean people wise.. if your going to do 2 weeks worth of shopping with 2 kids, on a budget and list.. you better go when its quiet..
I am not saying this next part in an offensive way whatsoever.. there are specific days of the month the elderly and people with EBT get there benefits reloaded.. they sometimes do not have the benefit of waiting a few days to go to the store.. sometimes when that card is reloaded they have no food.. soooo there are generally ALOT of people in the stores on those days.. and thats ok.. every ones gotta hit the grocery store at some point.. i believe those days are the beginning of the month... so if you dont like a crowded store maybe hold off a day or 2 and go when its more quiet.. I generally pick the friday we get paid.. and I go first thing in the morning.. generally a good parking spot close to the door.. and i can take my time and shop my own pace without feeling like Im clogging up the isles and stuff..

Dont go in without your cash..i try to shop with CASH ONLY..

Have your list and flyer in hand..

if your bringing kids.. pack a snack in a ziploc bag (dont bring the whole bag of goldfish from home because then you will be asked to prove you purchased it, which if you brought the actual bag from home.. YOU CANT... sooo pack a ziploc bag with treats...

ONto the shopping:

The trip began with Makenna asking to use the bathroom (she has a love a checking out public restrooms.)  then we got started in what Makenna says the WInter section.. i .e cheese, yogurt.. the cold foods section..lol.

theres a nice little spot right before the section starts that I can park the cart.. get my list and pen in order.. I always keep a flyer handy because sometimes multiple items in the same section are on sale.. you dont want to get to the register and find out you grabbed the wrong item (see, not just something you need to do for extreme couponing.. on a budget as well)

So kids were good. and my list was ready to be checked off..

Makenna said she was not going to show a nice smile.. and Jack was just interested in playing with the cart.. FINE WITH me.. Lets get our Grocery On...
i had my NICE NEAT ocd list all set to go.. we went through the store and each item that is put in the cart i write down the price, but I round up. i.e.  Pepperoni was 1.99 for the package this week.. I just right 2.. whole numbers are much easier to calcuate.. even if your using a calculator.. plus by doing this the total will not be more than you think it will..
so as Im going a long I write down the price of each item in the cart (i also shop with Cash now..which is recent.. if I know i can just swipe the card.. I dont always think about what I put in the cart) (if its an emergency MUST HAVE item such as toilet paper and your over on your total, swipe the card and get the toilet paper.. but you dont need to use excess money on cookies or cake mix..)
I try not to go down and isle unless I need something from it.. if you dont need anything from the cracker cookie isle.. dont go down it.. you will be tempted to buy something because its on sale or it would be nice to have... the goal is to plan our everything you might need for the week or weeks your are shopping for..
DELI COUNTER--- i just found this out today.. when you look at your deli counter there is generally a section clogged with every meat known to man.. but there is always a section that looks like it might have specialty meats... take a closer look.. those are allllll the meats and cheeses on sale that week.. now Im dont have to look allllll over the case to find what I want.. i know right where to go..
DELI COUNTER CNTD'- If you have kids with you.. or if you just need a snack.. you can get free cheese samples for you or the kids.. Makenna LOVES a nice slice of american cheese
BATHROOMS- know where they are located.. if its a new store check it out in advance.. this really only applies to if your bringing kids.. nothing worse than getting halfway through the store with a kid who has to go so bad shes crying... and you cant find the bathroom..
BAKERY- this is also nice for a snack or the kiddos.. by the time I reach the bakery.. my kids are fussy and whiney.. generally we have been in the store about an hour and they are just over it.. stop by the bakery and grab a free cookie for the kiddos.. that way you can get through your last bit of shopping (produce in my case) without them fussing on you
CHECKOUT INFO- these to me are no brainers but if you h avent done the shopping before you may  not know this.. HEAVY ITEMS FIRST on the belt.. dont put your bread and stuff first it will get smooshed... so heavy items first.. that way then end up on the bottom of the cart.. same rule applies to loading your car...
LOADING THE CAR-if you have 2 kids and a cart filled to the max with stuff on the bottom as well.. ask the bagger for help.. they will bring your cart out for you as well as help you load it (at the stores I go to anyways)
PRICE MATCH.- thanks to the anonymous poster on last  nights post. some stores will price match.. so if your looking to try just one store.. try and make it a price match store.. then you will not be missing out on all the deals you could get by going to 5 stores.. I know Walmart does this for sure, check your local stores and see there policies on this.. you could save your self ALOT of time and money
FREEZING FOOD- someone asked me last night if I buy deli meat for 2 weeks, if so how do i keep it from going bad.. i do and I dont freeze my deli meat.. depends .. If it is a super sale.. such as this week.. Wunderbar German Bologna was on sale for 99 cents lb.. how can I not stock up on that.. so i make sure I always have saran wrap and freezer bags at home.. i generally like to only buy what I need.. but at prices like that its hard not to stock up.. just dont go crazy.. i buy what I want and repackage what I need at home.. whatever I dont need for 1 week I store and freeze for another. the same works with Hamburger and other meats.. if its chicken on sale for 99cent lb you get your buns I will spend my whole grocery bill stocking up on chicken.. ok not really.. but.. you get my point.. just make sure you are storing it properly in your freezer.. freezer burn is nasty.. and bad food is nasty.. so dont wait 5 days to package it up to freeze it.. do it right away...
here is my car after the nice Bagger pushed my cart out and loaded it for me.. such a nice kid too.. he even made sure the bread, eggs,, possible smooshy stuff on top.. i appreciated it.. since according to my car it was 15 out...
thats it folks.. thats what I got.. sorry im so long winded.. if you have any questions email me or post in the comments below.. also if you have some tips or tricks to share.. please post as well.. i would love to read them.. and Im sure the other readers would as well..
remember.. the better you plan before you go.. the easier the trip will be.. also.. as I said yesterday.. Im sure there are ways to do it cheaper.. i personally am not a coupon fan.. I dont have time for that.. but for a lot of people its been there saving grace financially.. this was just to show you my way of doing it.. its what works for me.. you need to take what tips and tricks you like and find what works for you...
Best of luck..
Much Love and Blessings
Officially pooped- Shanun


Unknown said…
I love the idea of only taking cash! And I have a big problem of slipping down an isle that I don't need anything from and grabbing things because "it'd be nice to have". I AM getting better at sticking to a list though. If it's not on the list I try not to grab it and my hubbs keeps me on my toes about it! With the kids, in addition to getting a slice of deli cheese and getting a bakery cookie, we usally have to stop to see the lobsters and other neat things in the sea food department. It gives the kids something to look at while you wait for your deli number if there happens to be long wait!
Hey Shanun, in terms of deli's and families. most deli's offer a meat end package. You just tell them you want meat ends, and they package up what they have left of the meat ends, you can get a cluster of meats, turkeys. salami. hams. pepperoni...it's up to whats in the pile. and you get it all for like 75% off what any of the meats would have cost..

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