And the Hits Just Keep On Comin.....

Good evening all,
 I was only going to attempt to post once a day, however hubby decided he would take care of a weekend project tonight.. I think he just wanted more video game playing time this weekend.. Which hey.. fine with me if my project got done..

I know.. Im organizing and working on alot of DIY stuff and Im asking my hubby??
YES.. for one reason.. I currently dont want to break

im also tool challenged.

So what is the project you might ask.

during the Closet organization I did. Hubs and I realized that along with the closet door coming off its hinges.. that the French doors to the sunroom did as well..

Now, these doors served ZERO PURPOSE.. the previous owner had a purpose which was the keep the sunroom closed off in the winter as the old school gas stove in here is older and the windows are all SINGLE PANE.. BOOOO on the energy bill.. however when we moved in last year the kids just took to the room. It is bright and sunny (hence the name sunroom) and its a space they can keep there things, as well as watch the small old school 19" tv we have in here. Hubs went through and caulked the old school windows and we installed a nice ceiling fan to move around the nice heat that does come off the gas stove. the ceiling fan is fabulous.. Helps the heat from the stove move into the other rooms of the house.. cuts down on the gas use in other places..

ANYWAYS.. the doors have remained open since the day we moved in over a year ago. being open they take up wall space and were blocking my newly clean and organized closet.. So off there hinges they came.. They are super nice french doors that I actually cleaned really well yesterday.. they just dont serve a purpose right now.. stored in the back of the basement for use at a later date..

now my problem is to get the part of the hinge that was on the door frame off.. we will save that project for another day..

Here's what this part of the sunroom looks like now..

 As you can see in this photo. my newly cleaned and organized closet.. the sun room leads right into my can also see how a glass door would be blocking my closet

and here is the open space leading to the kitchen.. and yes before anyone comments I can see that I have garland above my cupboards as well as some christmas cards.. thats one of this weekends MUST DO items.
You can also see the blank wall now.. thinking above the door frame I need a nice old sign or some quote or something.. we shall see..
Also left me a ton of room by the computer for my running project of my command center.. thinking with the excess room i now have I could add some kind of homemade book rack for the kids books which are currently stuff in a magazine rack glass topped side table.. poor
and to top it off this photos is fabulous because my son is posing for the camera.. to bad the pic was of the house not such a ham
So here it is.. even though the doors were glass.. it just feel like all of a sudden the WHOLE room is open.. I love it..
ok.. Off to bed.. Night folks
Much Love and Blessings


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