DAY 3 of the Declutter/Organizing My House Challenge

Hey all,
 So, this morning did not really go as planned. Kids woke up, had breakfast and I got them dressed, however my children must have woken up on the wrong side of the bed this morning. My Daughter is under the impression every thing that happens requires the same reaction, SCREAMING and crying, meanwhile my son is just getting around on his knees.. no problem there except he feels he needs to get into everything, even things I thought I had kid proofed, such as my under the sink area.. No worries hes safe and happy.
So instead of getting right to the Day 3 suggestions for today I decided it could wait. My Kids needed my attention more. So we played and finally they mellowed out with a snack. It was now my chance..

DAY 3.. is all about the RULE OF 3... Kelly talked about having 3 baskets, small boxes what have you for items. such as items to throw, donate or clean.. I think she was meaning laundry but I took it as things in general.. however we are pretty good about the laundry.. I have a sock bucket for all the socks missing there mates.. I have a bag for clothes that needs to make it to goodwill or savers.. so i was at a loss.. what do I need a bin for.. well it hit me.. THE BASEMENT.. all to often my small little area by the basement door is cluttered with small items that need to be brought down to the basement.. this could be as simple as the new stain stick I bought for the laundry.. to one of hubbie's tools sitting on the counter.. the area I have to work with is not huge. i have my pantry door right on the wall before the basement door.. then I have my recycle bin and a spare trash bin.. theres basically a small walkway there.. so I needed something not to big.. not to small but that I could also make pretty.. I think I own one basket at the moment and it was not going to work for this project.. Down to the basement I went.. and wouldnt you know it.. I found an old box.. shoe box style.. it was the commemorative box my Sex and the City book came in.. it had to look like it would fit one of Carries shoes.. perfect.. sturdy.. just ugly.. so i started going to the mess that is my craft supplies and found some cute 12x12 patterned paper or in SU case.. Designer Series Paper.. grabbed my paper cutter and some red ribbon and headed back upstairs..

I took the box and wrapped it in Kraft paper to start.. super easy.. doesnt have to be perfect..
I then measured the outside part and was able to cute some patterned paper to fit yet leave a border..
Then I added some red ribbon. because A: its one of my favorite colors and B: im working on tieing red into that room (aka the kitchen area) ill explain why next post..

so some read ribbon.. now the part that I felt was super important that Kelly mentions.. this is to make sure the box is LABELED.. if you dont label the box your more likely to put random clutter in it.. which defeats the whole purpose.. so I took a paper punch i had totally in its packaging unopened from SU and made a cute label.. of course out of all these crafting supplies do you think out of the 6 tape runners I have that I have ANY TAPE or refills in them.. NOPE.. so gift wrap tape had to work..

ALSO.. i did 1 box.. not 3.. i know I will need a box for the landing at the bottom of our stairs in the front entryway.. for those random toys or things that we need to bring upstairs.. say a few rolls of toilet paper for the master bath.. or some new makeup i bought but am to lazy to run right up.. anyways.. i dont feel I need 3.. 2 will do.. however I need to find another box and decorate it.. that might have to wait for another day.. one box was some work when it came do making it and dealing with the kiddos..

so here ya go.. my Basement Box..

Enjoy.. and remember to check out Kelly's blog

The Complete Guide to Imperfect Homemaking

DAY 3 Declutter and Oragnize

Much Love and Blessings


Here is the pic of the box. again pardon my gift wrap tape.. have to go with what ya

And here is where the Box now sits.. already has Hubby's work tool flashlight thing that the kids were messing around with.. and of course.. puppy Butch's bones.. behind that you can see my recycle bin.. we are incredibly blessed to not have to sort our recylcing.. It all goes in one Huge bin that we keep outside.. and behind that.. a lovely trash TO MUCH STUFF.. cant wait to work on that


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