Declutter and Organize day 5

welll I took the weekend off from the organizing to spend time with my family.. very happy I did.. during the week hubby is gone a lot and its just me and the kids all day.. so the organizing thing breaks up my day, and gives me something to do during rest time.. but hubby is home all weekend.. so that was that.. no organizing.. sooo my intention was the pick up where I left off on friday..

Today is not really day 5.. BUT.. according to the next item on the challenge/ tip list its day
and I had every good intention of doing this tip today.. but alas.. mental health day called and wanted a visit.. so I packed the kiddos up and went and had coffe with some wonderful ladies from church.. then I had an appt during the kids naptime.. so my fabulous MIL came so I could go to that.. by the time I got back it was time to start dinner.. sooo never made it today.. But I know someone who did and want to share there take on todays tip..

which was.....


Now first off let me say Im aware that not everyone has a pantry. I happen to have a shelved closet in my kitchen that I use for dried goods such as rice.. kids snacks.. my floud, sugar, random canned goods I dont use frequently.. and on the bottom.. random appliances.. the goal tomorrow is to get those appliances out of there and find new homes for them.. then I can utilize that space for my cases of water , kids juice as well as our soda..believe it or not.. my lil pantry closet is not that unorganized.. i have a shelf for each type of thing.. pasta, rice etc on one rack.. baking supplies on another.. etc etc.. you get the point...

however.. not everyone has a nice tucked away hiding spot for these items.. some people dont even have an area to use as a pantry they just have cupboards.. this does not mean you can NOT do this challenge.. you just need to tailor it to your specific needs..

My friend Crystal.. has a nice kitchen.. im particularly in love with her kitchen table.. its big.. has room for the whole family.. i have a table that seat 6 and I still think hers is bigger than mine...
anyways.. she has some unique challenges such as open shelving and what not..
she is a prime example of taking what you already have around the house and making it your own..

below you will see the pictures...

however.. first off here is the link to todays challenge..

The Guide to Imperfect Homemaking- DAY 5- Pantry

CRYSTALS Pantry Area

Here is a great shot of one of her challenges.. she had a nice open area.. but not a lot of shelving.. her husband helped make the purple shelf in the middle.. which now holds all her spices..
she organized her baking pans and also on the top shelf took a random box she found and dressed up to house some items..(which you will notice her decoration matches her purple shelf.. LOVE IT ) AWESOME idea Crystal..
here is a shot of the whole area she worked in.. you can see the open concept shelving stuff.. its tricky because you want it organized but its hard when everything is right out in the open.. i think she did a great job..
She also said the white cabinet holds all her canned goods.. i like that the spices are out in the open and the cans are not.. im not a fan of cans.. hence mine are tucked away.. but displaying spices, to me just shows the flavors and colors you like when cooking.. I like that.

and here is a close up of her shelving area.
I say, personally, she hit the nail on the head.. super excited shes into this whole thing as well.. nice to have someone to help hold me accountable..
Check back tomorrow.. hopefully ill have a pic posted of my lil pantry area... I recently printed some labels to use for containers and stuff, but I dont happen to have label paper.. so I printed on regular paper and am going to use clear packaging tape to adhere them.. no one will be the
Also check back for tomorrow tip...DAY 6
We get to take a look inside Kelly's kitchen and how she made if a pretty and functional space for not only her.. but her family as well..
Much Love and Blessings


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