Good Friday Morning...

Good morning all,

This was my view while waiting for my coffee this morning.. just looking out I have to think.. Man today is going to be good.. yes Im kind of pooped out, yes its freezing in New England.. But when God places beauty like this before us.. how can we not think the day is going to be good..

SO.. Good Friday Morning all you Burnt Toasters...

Yesterday was a little crazy for reasons I can not explain right now.. but i worked hard on spending time with the kiddos and getting done what needed to be done..

Today however I have nothing to do but be home and stay warm with the kiddos.. tonight is Pizza Night in the Carey Home.. ill be making some homemade daughter will help grate the cheese and we will have ourselves a nice fresh pizza..

ALOT easier and cheaper than frozen or ordering out..

Ill post info on it later..

for now..

Here is todays Declutter and organization tip from kelly's blog..

DAY 14.. your unmentionables, he he he
Alot of her tips lately have been out the kids clothes and kids rooms..

This is one for us.. about our unmentionables, i know personally my socks are in one basket my underoos in another I just grab and go.. but it would be nice to have a better looking system...

Hope you all have a wonderful friday.. Remember.. today is the last day for the Facebook giveaway.. we need 100 likes on our Burnt Toast Chronicles facebook page in order for the free giveaway to happen...

Much Love and Blessings



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