Sunday Dinner... mmm mmm mmm

Hey all..
Happy Sunday...
Its hard because this is probably the worst day of the week for me.. but also the best.
the worst because the weekend is basically over, Hubby goes back to work tomorrow, and my week begins tomorrow.. last day to relax.. but I have a hard time relaxing because I know I have to prepare for the week

BEST because Its Sunday.. hellooo fabulous morning at church on Sundays.

I have attended Manchester Christian Church for 3 years.. we recently opened our 3rd local campus.. its the Downtown campus.. I was always going to keep the Wellington Campus (main Campus) my home base.. but once I visited downtown.. man oh man.. it stole my heart.. Also Israel prefers the downtown campus. Same MCC feel.. but on a smaller scale.. he digs that..

so Church as a family this morning.. then home to work on some projects and the all time best part about sundays.. SUNDAY DINNER

Growing up in my home.. Sunday dinner was always a nice big meal.. we may have thrown things together all week long.. But on Sunday, my parents always made something big.. A roast, a stew..a turkey..

Well having moved away when I married my husband.. I could no longer participate in there Sunday Dinner.. booo. Up until last year we lived in small apartments.. no room for even a dining room table let alone the kitchen space to prepare a Sunday dinner.. So when we moved into our new home  in 2011, i was so incredibly excited to start making Sunday dinner. However it was hard. The kids were very picky at that point, so why would I go to all the trouble to make a Roast with all the fixings for my husband and I then make a totally separate meal for the kids.. as much as I love them.. NOT HAPPENING.. over the past 6 months, the kids have gotten much much better about at least tryiing what I put on there plates.. my daughter who is almost 5, will now eat pretty much anything as long as there is ketchup on her plate (just like her mommy was at that age) and my son who is almost 2 will at least put everything in his mouth.. a bit of this or that.. he tries it.. worst case scenario is i heat up my emergency can of spaghettios for

There is just something about Sunday dinner.. A feel that comes from it.. preparing the meal.. setting the table nicely, that feeling when my family sits down and prays before dinner and I look around the table.. the Meal God provided (granted I cooked being able to sit in a dining room with the people I love the most.. that no matter how hectic the week may or may not have been, even if we ate on the go all week.. that at least one day a week we can sit down together and enjoy a nice home cooked meal ..(we sit down 7 nights a week for but thats another blessing of being a stay at home mom) however I am trying very hard to instill this tradition now, so that when Soccer games, and cheerleading and boy scouts or girl scouts or whatever gets in the way all week.. we can come together and have a nice meal together..

Tonights Menu is Pork Roast, mashed potatos, corn for me, and green beans for hubby (he can not have corn) then some rolls and a nice big fat salad..

For desert.. my daughter is going to help me bake a cake.. with frosting and her favorite.. rainbow sprinkles.. this can also serve as desert for a few nights.. some extra work today gives me a break tomorrow.. IM DOWN...

Soooo.. even if your going 900 miles a minute ALLL week.. try and slow down today.. even if your not a christian attending church.. slow down today and rest.. Sunday is widely known as the day of rest.. so relax.. take that few extra minutes at dinner time. Maybe put placemates out to dress the table up a bit..set the table instead of buffet style.. you dont have to go all out and cook a 50lb turkey.. just add little things that remind you today is a special day...

Hope you all had a wonderful Sunday..

ill have some picture posts tomorrow.. i think... i dunno yet.. havent thought about what to blog about on monday.. enjoying my sunday..

Much Love and Blessings


Manchester Christian Church website/info


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