The Truth...

Truth not perfect
Truth is.. I have hard days
Truth is.. sometimes my house is a mess
Truth is.. I get stressed
Truth is..Im not always nice
Truth is..I have Manic Depressive

Pardon the length of this post but I feel its important to put some facts out there..

The last Truth i typed out.. some of you will say.. OMG i knew it.. shes crazy.. some of you will say.. WOW.. i never would have guessed.. Some of you will say.. WHAT IS THAT..

Truth is.. i might HAVE manic depression.. but the Truth Is.. its not WHO I AM..

The short quick explanation of Manic Depression or Bipolar as its now known.. is a back and forth of polarizing, debilitating Highs and Lows.. if you would like more information please email me or if you type it in on google theres some wonderful definitions of it out there.

NOW to the post... I told you that little nugget of truth to explain the next truth.. Ive been hospitalized before.. on a few different occassion.. however the most beneficial one I ever had was a voluntary trip to treatment Center in SOuthern California this past August.. it was a 30 day stay.. 30 days away from my kiddos, my spouse.. from my beautiful New England.. but I made it.. it was a trip well worth it..

i could go on for about 42 blog posts about my stay there and the things I have learned about myself.. but one thing I learned that applies to everyone.. sane, crazy, kids, college student, singleton, married.. and that is.. SELF CARE..

Now some of you may see this as Showering and getting dressed.. thats part of it.. but our of all the types of people i listed right above here.. how many of us in those sitiuations are always doing for others.. its a proven fact that its in the Female nature to nuture and take care of others.. we start to assume the mother hen roll of maybe a sick parent, a child, a spouse, our friends. We want everyone to succeed and succeed well.. but what about us?? What happens when all you do is put others before yourself and never make the time for yourself.. Im not saying become a selfish person who never helps anyone else.. you can do all the helping you want.. but remember.. YOU NEED THAT TOO..

Sooo when Im talking self care.. yes I mean take a shower.. it feels nice, gets us prepared for the day.. but remember to do some nice things for YOU. to recharge..

Some ideas I have learned and put into practice are the following

Get your Nails done...-Maybe your on a budget (like me) and a manicure is out of the questions (like me) but can you afford some 4$ nail polish??? if so.. take some time on a sunny afternoon.. when your done with school work, kids are napping.. whenever you can find the time.. and paint your nails.. your pretty.. you deserve to feel that way

BOdy Wash- now i love a nice bodywash like the next person.. however on a budget I generally have to get the cheapest thing i can find.. however why not buy the next step up from what you normally buy.. if its softsoap.. maybe try some Nivea.. if its Nivea.. maybe hit up bath and body works and buy some nice body wash there.. while your at it.. buy a nice poof.. when you take your shower.. take an extra 5 minutes under the hot water.. and enjoy the smell of your body wash.. drink in that smell you spent time picking out.. you can do this daily when you shower.. I LOVE my shower time. I dont take long showers but i like to take an extra 5 minutes to relax and enjoy the smell from the body wash..

Make Up- I know we all lead busy lives.. but how many times at the end of the day do you look in the mirror and wish you had put even just some eye shadow on.. its amazing what the little things can really do to help your mood, your self esteem..

Self care does not have to be some 200$ spa day every saturday.. no one really has the money or time for that.. But we do have time to paint our nails while watching our favorite show at night.. or 5 minutes to spare in the shower with some nice body wash...

Below are a list of links to deals on some things I have found and used myself.. Hope they help at least One of you... We are important.. We are special.. we work very hard as women.. its time we take care of ourselves as well.. YOU ARE WORTH IT..

Above is a link to the ULTA website.. we have this store in our local mall but sometimes the deals are better on line.. also sign up for an ULTA card.. its free.. every dollar you spend is put towards points.. once a quarter you will get a certificate in the mail to pick out some free items based on the amount of points you have.. this link is for ULTA brand body wash lotions and body sprays.. they are currently Buy 1 get 1 free.. LOTS of scents to chose from..

Bath and Body Works DEALS

Bath and Body works is currently having a buy 3 get 3 free special.. however its a little out of my budget even though its not that expensive.. ANyways.. maybe you like these lotions and gels better..

Im a semi make up snob.. there are specific items Im willing to spend money on.. such as mascara (BENEFIT They're real mascara)  and some other items.. however I have tried most of the ULTA line and actually like it.. especially the eye shadow.. so many colors and so inexpensive.. so here is the link to the ULTA line... if you combine the body wash deal and some makeup you will probably qualify for free shipping.. cant go wrong on that one..

Here is a link to a BUNCH of items on the ULTA website.. special foot creams.. or little kits that are inexpensive.. maybe go in on a pedicure kit with a gal pal and you can do eachothers nails.. I know sounds very teenager.. but with a good movie after the kids go to bed. some snacks.. it could be a fun gals night..

PS.. IM NOT PAID BY ULTA to promote there site or products.. I just tend to shop there because they have the best deals. and I can return any items I dont like to the store locally.. works out well for me..

SO PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE.. remember.. think of yourself sometimes as well..
I know its hard.. Life gets in the way.. but you wont be able to help anyone if your so burnt out.. take a few minutes a day for you....



PS.. Im doing very well with my illness.. managed very well.. california was the best thing I ever could have done for myself..


JamieJ said…
Everything you say is so true and something I needed to hear today. As my son is in bed and sit here thinking about how I should of been more patient and more kind but with a million things on my mind and stressed about everything else I am not the best mom I could be sometimes!
Leighann said…
I love your blog!
Shanun said…
Jamie J.. as long as you love and care for your son you are an AWESOME mom.. dont tell yourself other wise.. yes we could all do things better.. but your doing awesome.. my point to make was just that we get overwhelmed.. we have 900 things going on at any given time of the day.. make sure you make some time for you.. patience with children does not come easy...Lord knows I struggle EVERDAY... and thanks Leighanna.. Much love and blessings to you both

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