Down in the Dumps? Down in the SICKIES

Hey all..
So Last week I took a day or 2 off from posting due to a nice nasty cold hitting our house.. First I had laryngitis, went to the docs to get that diagnosis and came home.. 24 hours later my nose was full I was achy and had a light temp. Well 24 hours after that My Daughter caught in.. then by the end of this weekend my son had it. well its back to me now.. Then with my daughter its morphed into the phlegmiest cough ever.. she was up twice last night cuz up came the phlegm in big heaving burst's  I know TMI for a thursday morning.. well now its back to me.. I went to bed super early 2 nights ago.. and made it to bed at a decent time last night until my daughter woke up with her issues.. she ended up sleeping with my hubs and i.. so as you can imagine pooped out from our little bed hog..

HOWEVER.. all this sickness has me falling behind on everything in the house.. which is ok.. families get sick.. but Ive been being lazy and soaking in the sickness for over a week.. time to get back in the game..

SOOO last night before bed I made my daily GOALS list.. ALOT longer than normal.. i dont expect to get everything done on that list.. but im going to get my vitamins down.. take some advil, get my water on and get moving....

Hope your all feeling better than we are here in the Carey House..

Much Love and Blessings



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