15 Minutes, SAY WHAT???

Happy Tuesday..
Hope your all have a great morning so far.. I know my day started right because my bedroom was clean.. I know seems so silly.. but really waking up in THIS

Can really put a damper on your morning.. who actually wants to get out of bed and face this?? NOT ME..

I wanted to tell you about how I keep my house picked up..

Its a 15 minute Rule I have..

If your in the workforce or have ever worked.. you know those deadlines where you have 10 minutes to whip up a proposal or get something done.. To me those rushed 10-15 minutes are sometimes my best work..

I have not worked in the general workforce for about 5 years now.. But I recently saw how this same principal could apply to me at home..

What if.. Instead of taking a day to do a deep clean in a room then the next day another.. I just worked on every room EVERY DAY.. I was kind of overwhelmed by the thought.. so I thought.. OK.. I could deep clean one room a day.. but what if I picked up every room everyday.. 

I decided I would spend 15 minutes in each room.. I seriously set a time before I go into a room and spend that amount of time in that room.. I then follow my cleaning schedule.. one day might have been to clean the baseboards in the house.. I make sure I get that done..but I don't deep clean every room every day.. "Ain't no on got time for that"  
SOO i wanted to show you what 15 minutes (or in my bedrooms case 20 minutes) can actually result in..

Above is my bed..as you can see.. I'm far from perfect.. I'm kind of embarrassed actually to show that to you all.. but it will prove my point..

I keep my handy dandy cleaning caddy under the kitchen sink.. I filled it with anything I might need while spending my time in the bedroom.. I then hauled upstairs to see what awaited me..

This is my clothes storage.. I HATE IT.. but it is what it is.. I converted my clothes to a bookcase YEARS ago and have never gone back to a dresser.. I want to now but MAN are they expensive..was thinking of turning this bookcase into an armoir by adding shutters and crown molding.. we shall see..

Another photo.. bookcase and photos followed by my ikea chair..

NOW Before I start telling you about the afters.. I seriously want to stress.. I spent 20 minutes in this room..
I have not spent 15 minutes in any room upstairs since I started this whole thing.. Ive only stuck to it in the downstairs area...
I will admit a  big chunk of the mess you saw before was DIRTY LAUNDRY... that's easy to pick up..

Here is the bed area.. our nightstands are 1990's glass top nightstands which I can not stand.. but they get the job done.. they needed to be windexed and the items on the stands dusted.. that was it..I also took the 2 seconds it takes to make my bed.. I decided after a couple months.. that I either need to change out the curtains on the rod.. or do away with the attempt to dress up my bedroom.. we want to have a more prettied up bedroom area.. but a new bedroom set it out of the question.. my other attempt at defining the headboard area i using wood planks to make a headboard.. I DUNNO WHAT TO DO>>lol...

This is hubbies UGLY dresser he has had for years.. I cant stand it.. but I dunno what to do with it.. It normally holds our bedroom TV but that died last month.. so its been a dust catcher for the past month..

Here is my clothes area... the view from my side of the bed..
All I did was pick up clothes and dusted my shelves.. the vacuum is staying there  because I need to vacuum the kids rooms today.

And last but not least by bookcase and sitting area... I took everything off this shelf and did a quick pledge job..

I also buy this product that Glade puts out.. Its carpet powder.. they have different smells.. you sprinkle in your carpet.. let it sit for a few minutes.. then vacuum it up.. my room currently smells like Lavender.. LOVE IT.. and its not expensive.. under 2$ for a big  bottle.. and the smell lasts 5-7 days.. 

SO this is what 15-20 minutes in a room can get you.. I'm not lying.. I set a timer and that's what I did.. it was worth it too.. its easier to keep this cleaner longer because I don't spend much time in my room.. The downstairs is something I def have to stick to.. 15 minutes.. each room every day.. Can you spare 15 minutes?? can you get your family in on it as well.. maybe after dinner.. spend 15 minutes picking up the main play area.. with helping hands and 15 minutes.. you can accomplish alot.. 

Thanks for not judging my pigsty of a bedroom.. it happens.. this is real life.. not every room in my house is prefect and decorated.. but that's part of the point of these chronicles.. turning my house into s HOME..

Much Love and Blessings on this Tuesday.


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