Mini May Challenge Idea- Cleaning Schedule

Hey all,

Happy Wednesday.. well, I have been busy with walks and normal upkeep up my day..
What does my day consist of you might ask? Really depends on the day.. I have 2 kids to get up and dressed each day.. If its sunny we try and go for a walk or a trip to the park.. If Its rainy it could be pillow forts and play dough. However a few people I know ask me HOW do you keep your house so picked up..

Its not without hard work and determination that it happens.. take today for instance.. Its 4:30 and I still have not finished my 15 minutes a room routine.. it will happen.. just not always the way I want.. what I wouldn't give to get up.. have coffee.. take my time and just get what I want done then relax all day.. HELLOOO its the real world.. NEVER HAPPENS..

Soo after a lot of research on the www and Pinterest I have found a cleaning schedule that works for me..

Let me say up front. I don't always get my daily chore done.. Life happens and that's OK.. Its nice to have a clean house.. but Id rather have happy children and a life.. I try to squeeze my cleaning in when the kids generally want mom to go which happens a lot.. I don't always make the fake car noises right I guess.. or I'm to big to play in the fort.. this is prime time to run over my list and see if I can knock a few things off the list.. or prep dinner.. or on days like today.. be

So here is my list.. I wrote it out so I could read it.. but Ive heard my hand writing is not very legible.. so Ill tell ya what I have found works for me.. remember its like having a baby.. no 2 pregnancies are the same.. what works for one momma may not work for the other.. tweak it to you needs..

I found the bulk of my schedule here...

I also do not remember where I got the page from that I wrote everything down on.. something I just clicked print and did not save.. SORRY.. but type in "Blank Cleaning Chart" On your pinterest search engine.. I'm sure you will have plenty to choose from.

Here is where my cleaning chart sits.. I'm sure I could frame it and make it pretty.. but I like it right on my fridge.. I can see it anytime I want and its high enough that the kids can not get to it..

Here is what we have.. there are Days of the week spots.. and also a DAILY category..

My cleaning duties are as follows..

Make beds
Empty Dishwasher
One Load Of Laundry (this is wash, dry, fold AND put away.. sometimes it takes allll day..)
Wipe Kitchen counters (kitchen upkeep)
Sweep and spot clean floors (I have all hardwood.. Its hard to keep it all clean)

Dust Blinds

Clean mirrors and windows (another thing that can take all day)

Scrub Toilets and tubs

Mop Downstairs floors
2 week Menu/Grocery Planning

FRIDAY: SWING DAY.. these means each friday of the month you do something different.
wk1- Wipe down furniture
wk2- scrub- oven, fridge, microwave
wk3- wipe down walls and baseboard
wk4- spot clean upholstery and rugs

SATURDAY- Catch Up Day
this is generally my day to tidy up the bedrooms and clean up the Master bath.. doesnt get much except for nightly teeth brushing so there is not much needed there..

So that's it folks.. that's how I keep my house clean.. I spend about 15 minutes in each room a day tidying up. dusting the random things that generally don't get done.. to go through the pile of clutter or mail gathering in a room.. but I try very hard to spend 15 minutes in each room.. then each day I follow my schedule.. its kept the house in pretty good shape.. and minus missing stuff here and there.. it stays that way..

Don't feel this has to be the way to go.. Maybe you have a home office.. maybe you have 5 kids and need to do  more than 1 load of laundry a day.. but try to follow through with what you set up.. just like starting a financial household budget.. It takes some time to see your efforts pay off.. instead of taking your Saturday to try and clean the whole house top to bottom.. do a little each day..

You got this.. if this disorganized always cluttered mom can turn things around.. so can you

Much Love and Blessings- Shanun


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