Bad Blogger Hiatus

Hey all..

First off, sorry so incredibly long for a post..
Secondly let me just say I'm horrible at blogging.. unless I'm incredibly excited about something and make myself sit down to blog.. I don'

We have had a busy summer around here.. Using Vacation time in July for the first time in 5 years for its actually USE.. VACATION... Hubby took a week off and we went camping.. Had a lake trip and I squeezed as many appts in as I could for that week (since i actually had a sitter for the

The kids and I have been plugging a long this summer with walks and kiddie pool time.. But as summer is winding down we are preparing our 5 year old to enter the world of School.. She starts kindergarten next week.. SO NERVE RACKING as a momma...

To top it off this summer has not been the best for me mentally.. August 1 marked my year anniversary from my treatment trip to California..It was a life changing trip I will always remember and hold close to my heart.. but this summer I just landed in a flat funk.. Could  not get overly excited about anything.. however I kept plugging a long.. 
On a recent visit to my med doctor we adjusted my medications for my Bipolar treatment.. However that went arry when I ended up in a hypo manic state.. I was able to read the signs and catch it this time.. but no matter when you catch it happening there is still an inevitable crash that ensues.. Spent most of last week just trying to plug along through the lows that come..

I'm starting today on a much brighter note. We are prepping for Makenna to start school, with morning routines being practiced such as.. NO SITTING IN FRONT OF THE TUBE while attempting to eat

We will get there.. The school year will be a tough adjustment for all of us, as I struggle with any form of change and cling to our current routine for dear life..

But with God's help and ever promising word I know we will eventually get the hang on it and be successful.. Just need to work at it...

I have some projects in the work, such as some updates to the Master bedroom.. Hubby is currently working on collecting pallets for me to make a pallet headboard, we were given a hand me down dresser from my folks which will take the place of one bookcase (how I store my clothes) and my husbands beyond ugly, beyond Update dresser he stores his clothes in..

We also have some big winter plans around here such as working on a loft bed for my daughters room and possibly painting her room..

Lots to do.. lots to prep.. lots to plan.. So keep checking back for some updates on projects...

Up  first on the list is a Ladies Craft night I am hosting in a few weeks.. Some gal pals of mine will be over for a night of fellowship and Fall crafting...  Cant wait.. and I will be sure to post pictures..

Hope everyone who follows the blog is well.. Ill be sure to not be on hiatus so long this time..

Much Love and Blessings..


PS.. the photos below are of our trip to my hometown this past weekend for a family camp out on my parents property...

The town is Shelburne Falls, MA.. and the pics are from the Bridge of flowers.. and old trolley bridge that crosses the river over into the town of Buckland.. In all the time I ever lived there I had never really  been tourist like and taken photos.. thanks to my iPhone and a trip to the falls I was able to capture some local beauty...


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