November Rain

Hey all..
HAPPY FRIDAY.. It has arrived.. been waiting all week and here the day is.. the end of the week.. To top it off.. ITS NOVEMBER...

  So Excited for this holiday season.. and it kicked off last night with Halloween..

We had a blast last night even though it rained.. Hubby (aka Jason) and I took the kids up and down our street in the rain.. got to be a bit to much for me and the little monster.. aka my son.. so we came home and finished handing out our candy while Hubby and the Heart.. aka my daughter went out for the rest of trick or treating time.. They had a great time..

We have some wonderfully generous neighbors who are just so friendly and giving to our kids.. we had a blast.. however My daughters costume started to get a little heavy.. when I made it I put poly fill in it to puff it up.. well that soaked up some water.. WHAT A TROOPER she was.. they hit up my In laws a few blocks away and she took it off for a break then back on and back at it with more trick or treating.. 
Even though it rained/sprinkled off and on it was a nice night.. so fun to see the kids so excited.. and to just have some time as a family out in our neighborhood..

What did you all dress up as???
Send me some photos... homemade, store bought doesn't matter.. lets get some pics up of Halloween..

email them to..

well.. before the leaves fully turned.. before the November rain.. I did have a project I have half finished..


I don't know about your house but mine is littered with Kids books.. ones they get from scholastic, books as presents.. they come from everywhere and I had NO WHERE to store them.
 To be honest for the past year they have all been stuffed in a cardboard box in the playroom and the kids have to dig them out...

ENTER Pinterest and my sister for giving me the idea to look for it in the first place..


First off.. I want to say.. if you see all the pallet projects everywhere and wonder where to get them.. check your local hardware and lumber stores.. 
Our Local LUMBER LIQUIDATORS has pallets out for disposal ALLL the time.. you just need the time to stop and a vehicle to carry them in. they are free for the taking...
This is an incredibly simple bookshelf to make.. you just cut of the top and bottom of the pallet.. the picture above is what it will look like cut up... all you need to do is add a board to the bottom to keep the books in...

We decided to go crisp white.. mainly because it was the paint I had on hand.. but also goes well with all the white trim in the playroom...

HOLDS ALOT of books.. nice and sturdy..

I do have one more to spray paint and hang up in my daughters room.. but alas.. Ive had other things to do like making a heart Halloween costume for my

Its Friday.. Enjoy the day and your weekend..

Much Love and Blessings



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